Faith Team
Who are the Faith Team?
Every year a new Faith Team is elected. Children are voted onto the Faith Team by their peers. It is made up of two students from each of the classes from Year 3 to Year 6. Every class holds an election to decide who will represent them for the school year.
Why do we need a Faith Team?
Our Faith Team plays an important role in our Church School. The team meet twice every half term to discuss issues that are important to the children.
Their role includes:
- Promoting the vision, values and motto at Christ Church by being role models.
- Ensuring that our Collective Worship Table and Reflective areas are kept clean and tidy.
- Leading Collective Worship
- Monitoring Collective Worship, alongside the Foundation Governors once every half term and ensuring our Anglican Traditions are included in our worship.
- Monitoring indoor and outdoor worship spaces.
- Helping in creating displays to show our Distinctive Christian Character.
- Encouraging children to see the power of prayer
- To develop our understanding of spirituality and ignite our 'Inner Spark'.
- Gathering information from other children and parents about their views on worship and RE in school.
- Helping to organise events at the school (InterFaith, Mental Health and Wellbeing and Courageous Advocacy)
- Creating links with our local parish church: Christ Church and finding different ways we can support them.
Collective Worship Monitors
Our Collective Worship Monitors (from Year 5) prepare the hall for Collective Worship, each morning. They have to put out chairs for the staff and benches for the Year 6 children. They close the curtains, make sure the computer and projector are set up and ensure that calming music is on ready for pupils to enter the hall.