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Christ Church CofE Controlled Primary School and Nursery home page

Christ Church C of E Controlled Primary School and Nursery

Uniform Information

At Christ Church School, our school uniform is:

  • a navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • grey or black trousers/skirts or shorts in the summer;
  • a light blue or white shirt/t-shirt.


Girls can wear grey or black salweer kameez and blue and white dresses in the summer. If girls choose to wear a headscarf, it should be in the black, white, blue or grey.


We have teamed up with Mansuri (our school’s uniform supplier) to bring you an online ordering platform. You can now place your order directly with the company and they will deliver your items directly to your home address.


We also have some second-hand uniform items at school.  If you need anything, please contact our office team.

Please can you ensure all clothing and property are clearly marked with your child's name. No jewellery of any kind should be worn, except studs for children with pierced ears and items of religious significance. Long hair should be tied up at all times.


PE and Swimming Kit

Children are required to wear a PE kit for Physical Education lessons.   The colours are white, blue and black and must include a t-shirt, shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, and suitable footwear for indoor and outdoor activities.

Please make sure that the kit is clearly marked with your child's name and that it is checked regularly as your child grows. The kit is best kept in a pump bag.


Across the year, children will go swimming.   They will need to have: swimming costume/trunks and a towel. Long hair must be tied up for swimming.