Safeguarding and Support
Safeguarding and Supporting Families
At Christ Church School, we put the child at the centre of all we do and proactively work towards all children staying healthy, being safe, enjoying school, achieving their potential, making a positive contribution towards society, and ensuring they achieve economic well being.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is an important role in any school. They proactively promote and ensure the safeguarding of pupils and support families when they need help. We have three DSLs at Christ Church:
- Ms Adams - Headteacher and Lead DSL
- KS1 and KS2 Leads - Miss Peplow and Mrs Asam
Our Link Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Godsall.
We are also an Operation Encompass School. This means that the police let our school know, prior to the school day starting if they have attended domestic abuse incident, where there are children in the home.
As an Operation Encompass School, we will ensure that a member of the school staff, (DSL) known as a Key Adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared in confidence, while ensuring that we are able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families. Our key adults is Ms Adams.
If you have any questions or worries about safeguarding, please speak to one of the DSLs, without delay.
Safeguarding is an important element of our school’s curriculum too. Please check out this in our Curriculum section.
Family Support
At Christ Church, we work hard to support families when they really need some help. It is important that we play a part in helping all of our Christ Church family to thrive! Our Lead DSL can help signpost a family to get help from a wide range of organisations that can help with:
- Money worries
- Physical and Mental Health
- Housing
- Domestic Abuse
- Exploitation
- Attendance
- and much more
For children to be able to learn effectively they should be in school every day. We have a whole school target of 95% and we expect all children to meet this.
Everyone has a responsibility for attendance so. As a school we monitor attendance and punctuality weekly.
Our attendance Lead - Ms Adams works with staff, pupils and parents where attendance is an issue.
We regularly reward good attendance and punctuality. Each week, we celebrate each classes attendance and as a whole school reward, we get an extra 5 minutes play, if we are over 95%.
At Christ Church School, we expect our children to behave in a respectful way. Good behaviour is rewarded and inappropriate behaviour is dealt with using a range of sanctions. At this Christian school, Christ's message of forgiveness is implicit in all we do. It is always made clear that it is the behaviour we find unacceptable not the child.
We work co-operatively with parents to identify the reasons for poor behaviour and plan positively to help children overcome problems.
Christ Church Weekly Awards
Star Pupil.
Each week we have a Celebration Assembly.
Two children from each class are rewarded for either excellent behaviour or work, linked to our vision and values, and this is shared with the whole school. The children each receive a certificate from their teacher.
We also celebrate brilliant behaviour at lunchtime with Mr Kassim (our lead lunchtime supervisor) shout outs.
House points for brilliant behaviour are also shared and celebrated.