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Christ Church CofE Controlled Primary School and Nursery home page

Christ Church C of E Controlled Primary School and Nursery

Christmas Events at CC

We have lots of Christmassy events coming up over the next couple of weeks.  

Here's a reminder of key dates:


We kick off the Christmas season with our Fair on Wednesday 11th December at 1.30pm.

All children to be collected at 1.15pm.


In-school Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day - Thursday 12th December.  The children will also enjoy a christmassy musical performance by the Stringcredibles.


Christmas Cantata at 9.15am, on Tuesday 17th December.  Please book one of the 30 spaces and enjoy the Christmas story told through song and spoken word.


Wednesday 18th December - Class Christmas Parties - Children can wear their most beautiful party clothes.


On Friday 20th December, it is Reception's Nativity (for Reception parents only) at 9.15am.


What a wonderful way to end our first term of the school year!